10 upcycled birdhouses

Find out how you can create a birdhouse by reusing materials you already have!
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Watering can

Find out how you can create a birdhouse by reusing materials you already have!

Easily turn a watering can into a nesting spot by making a circular opening in the can and propping it off the ground. The appropriate height depends on the breed.

Warblers prefer to nest in woodpecker holes near wooded swamps, but they will also house in nest boxes and odd places like sneakers, tin cans and jacket pockets.

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Clean out an old bucket or can, attach a couple small pieces of wood for an overhang and place it in a natural habitat. Chickadees like to burrow in a six to eight-inch-deep nest cavity. A larger can or bucket is ideal for chickadees and bluebirds. If housing both breeds, make sure birdhouses are spread at least 20 feet apart.

Clean out an old bucket or can, attach a couple small pieces of wood for an overhang, and place it in a natural habitat.

Chickadees like to burrow in a six to eight-inch-deep nest cavity. A larger can or bucket is ideal for chickadees and bluebirds. If housing both breeds, make sure birdhouses are spread at least 20 feet apart.

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Repurposed mailbox

A repurposed mailbox offers appropriate refuge for nesting birds.

A repurposed mailbox offers sufficient refuge for nesting birds.

Flycatchers will nest in an array of creative places such as mailboxes and rain gutters.

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Tin roof

When using an old can, you can also attach a tin roof for hanging purposes.

When using an old can, you can also attach a tin roof for hanging purposes.

Titmice species like to nest in forested areas. Tufted Titmice have adapted to urban areas, as well, and like large oak and beech trees.

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Multiple nests

Instead of posting one big watering can, you can assemble several smaller watering cans to a post. Research what type of birds you're setting up nesting for. Bluebirds, for example, do not like to nest near other bluebirds. They defend 1 to 2 acres, and their nesting location should not be placed near other breeds that utilize the same food sources. Chickadees, swallows, and titmice can all be in the same area because they don't share the same food supply.

Instead of posting one big watering can, you can assemble several smaller watering cans to a post.

Research what type of birds you're setting up nesting for. Bluebirds, for example, do not like to nest near other bluebirds. They defend 1 to 2 acres, and their nesting location should not be placed near other breeds that utilize the same food sources. Chickadees, swallows, and titmice can all be in the same area because they don't share the same food supply.

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Bird hat

Attach a larger hat to the side of a building for a birdhouse. Ensure that the hat is tightly secured to the wall. Bewick's and House Wrens will nest in unusual places such as old boots, buckets, flower pots.

Attach a larger hat to the side of a building for a birdhouse. Ensure that the hat is tightly secured to the wall.

Bewick's and House Wrens will nest in unusual places such as old boots, buckets and flower pots.

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Use an old jar as a bird feeder or birdhouse.

Got a bigger jar? Use strong wire to hang it in a tree or off your porch as a birdhouse or birdfeeder. Leave the lid off so birds will be able to use or live in the jar.

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Galvanized birdhouse

A galvanized birdhouse would go along well with your galvanized garden!

A galvanized birdhouse would go along well with your galvanized garden!

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Planter box

Make your own nesting house from wood and construct a "green" roof. In this case, the top of the birdhouse acts as a planter box for succulent plants. Attach a short twig below the entryway for a perch.

Make your own nesting house from wood and construct a "green" roof. In this case, the top of the birdhouse acts as a planter box for succulent plants.

Attach a short twig below the entryway for a perch.

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A sturdy box that you never use can also serve as a nesting place.

A sturdy, wooden box of any kind can be converted into a birdhouse.

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